Sunday, February 1, 2009

This dance is so silly.


I have made a lot of friends after spending more time in Hanja.
<3 span="">
[I miss Lucien, dearly]

I think we all had normal convo while dancing this way.

This seemed to be the dance of the evening.
(Gladius, Sj, myself, Quen)
not everyone rezzed. O.o

Misty and I grabbed our onisnow dance p-ners
and jammed out.

I heard the loveliest snoring.
I called on Sj to get to Hanja QUICK.
Sj and Caidence figured out it was Gia.
[snoring on mic]
in our best efforts,
we did all possible to wake her up.
I died a little inside.

Earlier, I took Aura to the Japanese Sim
and kicked her arse.

It was Caidence's Birthday.
And Cake-tron decided to do her a little dance.
It was lovely. ^.^

1 comment:

  1. I love the boppy bop dance. Yes, that's what I call it. I also love the pic that you got of Gia snoring.. and there is Roze trying to wake her up. Yay birthdays!
